January 21-22: 39th Skiri Trophy XCountry presented by GS Castello Little squirrels on the Olympic tracks in Lago di Tesero (Trentino, Italy)

40 years of history, 40 years of success and resilience
Usual and lucky format for U10, U12, U14, U16 and Revival
Skiri Trophy XCountry, the junior Ski Cross Country ‘Mundialito’ is back on 21st-22nd January 2023 along the Olympic tracks of the Cross Country Stadium in Lago di Tesero. The one and only colourful event celebrates its 39th edition, always presented by GS Castello. Two days of fun on the snow, dedicated to U10, U12, U14 and U16, created as a promotional event for young people alongside with friendship and conviviality. During the glorious 40 years of history, Skiri Trophy XCountry, born as Trofeo Topolino, moved through the wonderful locations of Trentino more than once. On January 22 1984, it started from Brozzin in the welcoming Val di Fiemme; during the following years, the group moved through Passo Lavazè, Brozzin and Lago di Tesero. After its first time in Lago di Tesero, Skiri Trophy took place there permanently, from the 10th edition until now, collecting 28 successive editions. Young and adult skiers are ready to live a new adventure on narrow skis on the international and Olympic tracks. From little things, derive great actions…and many XCO ski champions walked on this stage, such as Cristian “Zorro” Zorzi, last relay skier of Italy team winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games of Turin 2006. Moreover, Marianna Longa, Antonella Confortola, Sabina Valbusa, Lara Peyrot, Petra Majdič, Ivan and Bruno Debertolis, until the best of these years as Francesco De Fabiani, Tommaso Dellagiacoma, Stefano Gardener, Mauro Brigadoi and Caterina Ganz. Event coordinator Nicoletta Nones promises something new for the next edition. Race format confirmed, with all competitions in classic technique and the traditional ‘Revival’, for expert athletes once taking part at the Trophy. Last year, the little skiers came from Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain and Andorra. Future seems bright for GS Castello, each year trying to add new great ideas to the program with many events alongside. Perseverance, worth and resilience are key elements for the hundreds of volunteers, associations and public or private entities, that kept on organising this important event. The expert OC is always “on track” for the young cross-country skiers dreaming of competing in the international highest-level competitions.