17-18 January 2026
About the Trophy
The idea of creating a new Cross Country skiing promo event dates back in 1983 when a few members of the Gruppo Sportivo Castello di Fiemme OC decided to give birth to something open to young people from all over the country. The OC President at that time was Sergio Cavada, vice-president was Dario Giacomuzzi and Marco Aurelio Nones, a Marcialonga senator, was the Secretary of the organising group.
They wanted to develop the XC version of the notorious Trofeo Topolino Sci Alpino, namely the Alpine Skiing Topolino Trophy, and thanks to Franco Nones the use of the Walt Disney brand and charachter was allowed and the XC Skiing Topolino Trophy was born.
The XC Skiing Topolino Trophy was first run in 1984, in an area called Brozzin beside the little town of Castello di Fiemme. It became international two years later and young categories of Baby, Cuccioli, Ragazzi and Allievi gather year after year since then to compete and enjoy the great event.
The Trophy moved to Passo Lavazé for a while, and in 1993 found its permanent home inside the XC Stadium in Lago di Tesero, the same exact venue where the 1991, 2003 and 2013 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, the FIS Junior & U23 Nordic Worlds and the 2013 Winter Universiade took place. The FIS Tour de Ski finals have always been housed inside the XC Stadium and so have tens of World Cup races.
In 2016, the XC Topolino Trophy celebrated its 33th time ever and it has been the only Walt Disney sport event for young people taking place regularly in the same area on the third weekend of January.
Over a thousand of young skiers gather every year in Val di Fiemme, they come from any corner of Italy and from three different continents all with one and only purpose: to enjoy a fantastic World event, a real FIS championship that is also FIS Snow Day, FIS Snow Kidz and Trentino family branded.
Many Cross Country skiing superstars joined the Italian event when they were little kids, and the Trophy has always been very sensitive to charity actions, to long-distance parenting in particular. From 2008, the Trofeo Revival takes place as well and calls to snow some grown-up participants who enjoyed the event when they were kids.
After the Walt Disney Italia company decided on 14 October 2016 not to allow the Topolino name to sport events for youngsters any longer, the Gruppo Sportivo Castello di Fiemme OC decided to keep organising the great sport event for kids and on January 2017, for the 34th time in a row, the new Skiri Trophy X country will get on track together with hundreds of young skiers from all over the world, with the Revival part and with loads of fun for everybody. Guaranteed!
Ready… go!!