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3rd Edition of the
Skiri-Minimarcia del Gran Paradiso


The organizing committees of SkiriTrophy XCountry and MiniMarciaGranParadiso given the success of the first edition,

reconfirm the combined SKIRI-MINIMARCIA in its 2nd edition for participants in the two races in the same year. 


The combined concerns the categories Baby - Cuccioli - Ragazzi and Allievi male and female  and will be reserved to the athletes who have participated both in the Skiry Trophy XCountry to be held in Val di Fiemme on 21-22 January and at the MiniMarciaGranParadiso which will be held in Cogne in Valle d'Aosta on 04-05 February 2023.

Regulation can be downloaded below together with the registration form.




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